“Don’t agonize, organize”. Florynce Kennedy

Our campaign support service, for Harrow residents and community groups, aims to help promote and support the development of campaigning and activism in Harrow.

We want to help inform, empower and strengthen your voice, to tackle some of the most prominent issues in the Borough. 

We will achieve this, by delivering campaign training and organising other networking and engagement opportunities on issues that matter to you. We can also provide 1:1 campaign support and our new campaign newsletter will keep you up-to-date on the work taking place to make positive change in Harrow and will highlight opportunities for you to get involved.

We can also provide 1-1 campaign support and advice in areas such as low pay, health inequalities, discrimination, work and living conditions and environmental injustices. 

If you are currently campaigning or want to campaign on an issue and need some advice or support, please do get in touch with us at: [email protected]

If necessary, we may refer you to other organisations that specialise in the area you are campaigning.

The aim of the newsletter is to share information about issues that affect Harrow residents and the campaigns that aim to solve these problems. As well as highlighting opportunities for you to have your say and to engage with others to strengthen our collective voice.  To sign-up click here and select ‘campaigns and empowerment’.

We have produced a brand new free campaign toolkit to help you to plan, choose campaign activities and monitor and evaluate your campaign.  The toolkit also links to numerous reputable sources that give further guidance on topics such as how to organise in numbers, how to write to your MP and how to write a press a release… 

In addition to the toolkit, you can find more resources, here.