LGBTQ+ Voices

Harrow LGBTQ+ Voices Survey

We have recently undergone a consultation process with LGBTQ+ people to help shape a survey which aims to understand and connect LGBTQ+ people in the borough. We would like to thank everyone involved in contributing to the development of the survey.

The survey has now closed with over 100 LGBTQ+ people responding.

Harrow LGBTQ+ Voices Survey Full Report

To see all of the results from the survey, please read our full report.

Harrow LGBTQ+ Voices Survey Highlights

We have also created a shorter two page ‘highlights’ briefing to give you a flavour of the outcomes of the survey.

We have made many recommendations for all and will start to work towards facilitating connection between LGBTQ+ people in the borough. Watch this space for any further updates.

Contact us

If you would like to find out more about this project, please contact: [email protected]

Further Support

If you would like support

Library of LGBTQ+ representative organisations

Hate Crime

There are many organisations that you can turn to if you have experienced or witnessed hate crime, for example:

Galop can help if you experience homophobia, transphobia or biphobia anywhere, including at home, in public, at work, online or in cruising sites. Our hate crime casework service can give you advice, support and help.

Stop Hate UK operate in Harrow. If you have witnessed or been affected by Hate Crime in Harrow you can report it to Stop Hate.

There are many other ways to report hate crime, find out more.


Good practise guide to monitoring sexual orientation and trans status 2021 (LGBT Foundation)

Do Ask, Do Tell – Stonewall Global Monitoring Guide

Safe To Be Me – Age UK