Equality law in the UK is covered by a single act called the Equality Act 2010. The Equality Act protects us all by making it against the law to discriminate against or harass someone because of who they are.

The 9 protected characteristics

It is illegal to discriminate against someone because of their:

The 4 kinds of discrimination

Discrimination under the Equality Act 2010 includes:

Exemptions and exceptions

Sometimes discrimination is lawful if an employer can objectively justify discrimination as ‘a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim.’ For example, if applicants for a job must have a particular protected characteristic because that is essential for the role.

Equality Duty

If you are considered a public authority then your organisation must fulfil the Equality Duty which entails general and specific responsibilities.

The general duty is about considering the needs of all individuals in your day-to-day work by having due regard for the need to:

The specific duties are activities which evidence your compliance with the Equality Duty and include:

More information

Please click on any of the following topics for more detailed information about the Equality Act 2010.