Harrow Council Discretionary Freedom Pass consultation

Campaign Success!

Following successful community action, Harrow Council has confirmed that they are NOT withdrawing or phasing out existing discretionary freedom passes for people with mental health conditions!

The council commented:

“The Executive Member of Finance has now considered the results of the consultation and has decided NOT to make the changes proposed. The Discretionary Freedom Pass, for people experiencing mental health issues, will still be available to new applicants as well as existing recipients.”

This is fantastic news. Discretionary freedom passes are lifelines for people with mental health conditions.  The result proves that community raising their voice, really can make a difference!

Full report and consultation results summary

Read the full report from the council, including a summary of the results

Our consultation response

Read our response to the council’s initial proposal to stop issuing and phase out discretionary freedom passes for people with mental health conditions.


If you are looking for mental health support please take a look at our Harrow Mental Health Support Directory.