Keen followers to VAH’s Twitter and Facebook pages might have noticed that it’s Co-operatives Fortnight 2013 (#coops14), a national campaign to celebrate co-operative businesses up and down the country. During the next two weeks our marketing team will be in full swing bringing you the best of how local co-ops are celebrating the event, and providing you with information about this ethical and innovative business model.

The simple definition of a co-operative is ‘an enterprise that is owned and democratically controlled by its members’. Embedded in their beliefs, values, vision, and practices, are community and sustainable development.  The Co-operatives UK website is a fantastic resource if you would like to learn anything and everything about co-ops.

With the theme ‘local, loved and trusted’ the fourteen days of Co-operatives Fortnight will see businesses ranging from bike shops to bakers, architects to allotments and farmers to pharmacies inviting local people to join them in celebrating the fact that they are owned by and run for their members.

We are inviting people to join us at a free Introduction to Co-op Development Event to celebrate Co-operatives Fortnight. This will be an informative event celebrating co-operatives and is a perfect opportunity to learn more about starting a co-op. So if you’re involved in a co-op or looking for a new innovative business model, get down to The Lodge.

As the newest member of our workers co-operative and true supporter of ethical business I hope to see more local groups taking up this business model.

In co-operation,

Alex Buckmire

[email protected]