15 April is Microvolunteering Day!

Micro-volunteering is a form of volunteering that requires no application process, screening or training period, it only takes a few hours, or a few minutes, of your time and does not require an ongoing commitment by the volunteer.

To mark the day we have devised 15 opportunities for you to get involved with.

7am to 8am – Create Tweets about #MicroDay
8am to 9am – Write A Happy or Thank You Note(/s)
9am to 10am – Quote Finder
10am to 11am – Design A Poster
11am to 12pm – Virtual Social Media Content Creator
12pm to 1pm – Take Photos Around Harrow
1pm to 2pm – Virtual Co-op Social Media Content Creator
2pm to 3pm – Happy Selfie
3pm to 4pm – Virtual Happy Harrow Social Media Content Creator
4pm to 5pm – Article/Tweet Finder
5pm to 6pm – Virtual Youth Enterprise Social Media Content Creator
6pm to 7pm – Write A Short Volunteering Story
7pm to 8pm – Virtual Volunteering Social Media Content Creator
8pm to 9pm – Take A Volunteering Survey
9pm to 10pm – Write A Short Article

It requires no specific location for you to get involved and you can bring your own unique skills to the opportunity or gain new ones.

This is a great way to get involved in the community, create an impact, and do something that makes you feel good which just generally helps the world be a better, happier place.