Change4Harrow – helping to make a difference in Harrow
Change4Harrow is an exciting new campaign group set-up by residents wanting to make a positive difference in Harrow. “I live and work in Harrow so I know a lot about the area. I feel I can relate to some things we speak about as it also affects me as a resident. Being part of Change4Harrow […]
Our New Campaign Support Service!
Harrow resident one-to-one campaign support, delivering campaign training and organising networking opportunities. Sign-up to receive our campaign newsletter.
What is a co-operative?

“Cooperatives are a reminder to the international community that it is possible to pursue both economic viability and social responsibility.” Ban Ki-moon (United Nations Secretary General) Co-operatives can be traced back to early civilisation when humans gathered in communities for mutual benefit. Arguably the oldest form of social enterprise, co-operatives aim to put people, rather than […]
The Crooked Treasurer

On the 16th January the Harrow Observer reported a ‘crooked Treasurer’ stole £50k from the Holy Innocents Church in Kingsbury. The question is why was this Treasurer able to commit this crime? Was it because far too much trust was placed on one individual too soon who then abused the trust? It is good practice […]
Brainstorming Harrow

Recently we gave an open invitation to the residents of Harrow to attend a brainstorming session. The main aim of this session was to provide a platform where residents and not-for-profit organisations could voice their opinions and ideas to make Harrow a better place. There was contribution from activists, tweeters, community leaders, trustees, residents, councillors […]
The Top 18 #TrusteesWeek Tweets

1. Happy #trusteesweek to all out there. Great volunteers doing awesome work driving organisations forward across the UK #thanks — Stephen Hill (@MrStephenHill) November 4, 2013 2. Happy #trusteesweek! I’m a trusty charity trustee and proud of it 🙂 — Lucy Caldicott (@LucyCaldicott) November 4, 2013 3. Me three! RT @m_sherrington: Me too! RT“@LucyCaldicott: Happy […]
Choosing the Right Chairperson

The trustee board of a charity or voluntary organisation is, in most cases, going to be made up of uniquely passionate individuals, fully invested in the operations and success of their cause and deeply concerned with the quality of their organisation’s decision making. Concentrated passion and enthusiasm like this is a priceless asset to anybody, […]

“Your network is the people who want to help you, and you want to help them, and that’s really powerful.” – Reid Hoffman (Co-Founder of LinkedIn) At a very early age I was told again and again this fairly common cliché, ‘it’s not what you know it’s who you know’. Ever since, making connections and building […]
Think Co-operative

Keen followers to VAH’s Twitter and Facebook pages might have noticed that it’s Co-operatives Fortnight 2013 (#coops14), a national campaign to celebrate co-operative businesses up and down the country. During the next two weeks our marketing team will be in full swing bringing you the best of how local co-ops are celebrating the event, and providing […]
How accessible is YOUR website?

Though an undoubtedly dubious honour to receive, to the winner of this year’s ‘Canada’s Worst Charity Website’ went an invaluable prize: a full website makeover courtesy of the competition’s organisers, Rtraction. And a fierce competition this most certainly was as the charity sector is home to some of the clunkiest, most unsightly and out-dated websites in existence, something that urgently […]